Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Because stuff happens...

I'm feeling weird- I've been having trouble sleeping and getting up on time, and my body isn't telling me I need to eat like it ought to be... and I've got a few canker sores, and my throat feels a little funky. All in all, probably not the best thing for my mood.

I haven't posted in a while... because I have a hard time finding interesting stuff to say that's not egoistic.
I was reading a book of excerpts from C.S. Lewis, and the particular section I was reading was out of A Grief Observed, where he's talking about the times he wished his wife were alive again... and how it was selfish to wish so, because it just meant she'd have to die again... after which he comments that Lazarus probably got a pretty raw deal.

I'm tired, so I'll be heading off to bed now.


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