Anyhow... I was thinking about stuff, and I noticed something rather perturbing to me... Perhaps it's a pet peeve of sorts, but after reading a friend's post about crushes,and how silly they are (It was interesting to read a mother's perspective on it.)
I was perturbed again by our culture's obsession with relationships, dating, and to a degree, sex as well. (Who's dating who, who's with who, who was with who... and "how far they've gone"... with interest if you fall on the more liberal side of the spectrum, with chagrin if you fall to the conservative side.)
I found this section especially... interesting. (Any mistakes in the quote are original.)
Why should we encourage a teenager to think of their friends and acquaintances in these undefinable terms? Aren't we confusing them? Heck, I'm confused and I'm way beyond my teen years. Do they need these kind of unanswerable questions asked of them? They need to study. Why don't older gentleman discuss algebra with my daughters? Why do they always bring up "boyfriends"? And then, when the girls deny having any, they say..."c'mon, now" and don't believe them anyhow. I would think my girls would begin to think..."well, is something wrong with me for not being obscessed with boys?"
I, personally, am rather piqued when I show up somewhere with a gal friend of mine and "the question" comes: "Is she...?" (... Your girlfriend?) or "Are you two...?" (... 'Together'?) This irritation is probably in part a result of the fact that I am what most guys would call "lucky" (That is, that I have many female friends, most of whom are various degrees of stunningly beautiful... Probably only half of you know who you are.) But, "if I had a penny for every time someone asked that..." (I'd be filthy rich.) But it makes me want a bag of retorts... "Is she...?" "No, but I'm sure she'd sign her autograph anyway..." or "Are you two...?" "From Maine? Yeah."
I had more to say, but perhaps I'll do it at some other time... as is, for a few years you can be 99.999999999999% sure that any girl you see me kicking around with is not my girlfriend... and if you value your consciousness, don't ask if I "like" her, ok?