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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Oh... hi!
Well, I was editing my church's website the other day... and I took a look at its Google Analytics page. In order to get to it, I go to a menu page, and I noticed something... people still visit here. I wish I could tell you all I haven't forgotten about you here... but the truth is, I have. What I've been doing? Lots of stuff- since March? Turning 19, attending my sister's wedding, finally getting my recording equipment working, stuff like that. I suppose if I knew I was going to blog about it, I'd find a lot more interesting things in my life... that might be a decent idea, but you will have to tell me if that's something that interests you... leave a comment letting me know you still read here, something like that! (Wow, I feel like MysteryGuitarMan or something... the little tagline at the end saying "Hey, hit subscribe!!!")
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